Sunday, October 10, 2010

Appco US Launch

Here's a first hand account of the launch visit to the Appco Group USA office, based in New York…

"On the 15th September 2010 the start of the American adventure began for us at Appco as we had packed our bags full of dreams and headed off from London on our one way trip to NEW YORK CITY!!!!
As we landed the American adventure began as all around us were yellow cabs and bright lights, we had fun trying to fit Ogo’s seven suitcases in the back of a cab as Will played his favourite Jay-Z track Empire State of mind out loud so everyone knew we had arrived and we were here to stay!

In the last few weeks it has all been happening. Vice President Michael Scully came over for the week to help with the set up and organise the details of setting up a new country with regards to Appco Group's planned movements and expansion across all of America.......we may just be in New York now but we are already thinking and talking about where to expand.
The Appco Group US office, which is beautiful, is now fully furnished and operational; it fits in perfectly with the Manhattan setting, with high ceilings, glass walls and wooden floors, and seeing as its only 5 minutes from the Empire State building it’s not hard to miss!!

We have all moved into our brand new apartment just off Times Square so we can see everything that goes on in NYC and feels like we are living an episode of Friends we are that close to Central Park. We have visited all over Manhattan and New York State, and with over 9 million people here we have plenty of territory!

Over the past weekend we did the tourist trip and went to see all the sights including the Empire State building, Madison Square Garden, the Statue of Liberty and also went to our first Yankees game at Yankee Stadium, they were playing the Boston Red Sox...which we believe is a big deal!

We now have the licence through which means we can officially start pitching and getting in the field and building a country, and all three of us can’t wait to get out there and start a brand new country from fresh. It’s going to be such a great adventure for all of us, and with all our ambitions, drive and goals of what we all want to achieve we can’t wait to get started and build an American empire!"

Cheers!-Chris Rudge, Ogo Ekweozor and Will Lyon, Appco Group

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